What is a Site Plan?
A site plan, also known as a plot plan, is a diagram that is meant to show proposed improvements to your property.
A site plan typically shows what already exists on a specific property, in addition to presenting what you are proposing to build on that specific land. This could, for example, include a building addition on a specific property, such as a garage.
One of the most important features of a site plan is to show the relationship between what already exists, and what is it that you are planning to have built. Site plans are all created differently; they will not all be designed equally. This is because different building authorities will require different things. With some permits, you are required to hire a land surveyor whereas with others you are allowed to draw the plan yourself on graph paper. You will need to check with your permitting department for clarification on this point before proceeding.
The main purpose of a site plan is to show the exact way that the intended land use relates to the features of a parcel and its surrounding area. Beyond simply showing how your proposed structure or structures relate to what already exists on your property, however, a site plan will give your building officials the ability to check local building and zoning codes.
The site plan will help to ensure that what you will potentially add to your property will fall within existing authoritative codes. Another important feature of a site plan and a building plan, in general, is that it ensures that local services such as schools, sewers, roads, water, and emergency services are adequate for what you are planning to build.
Compliance with zoning will also help to ensure that you are less likely to encounter lawsuits due to improper land use. Additionally, compliance with zoning will help to ensure that your project will be covered for potential future law sets, such as in the case of insurance coverage.
(Credits: Ryan Crownholm/ mysiteplan .com)

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